Aalo (potato) bread pakora recipe. how to make bread pakora in Punjabi style. best tea time snack recipe

Aalo (potato) bread pakora recipe.
This aalo (potato) bread pakoras are an all-time favorite snack in India. There are endless variations of Pakoras bread pakoras mixed with different types of Vegetables are made. Pakoras are great as appetizers or snacks for any Type of gathering. They are perfect for a rainy day, with a more delicious One cup of spiced tea.
INGREDIENTS to make better for aalo (potato) bread pakora.
  • Gram Flour (besan)- 2 cups (250 grams)
  • Ajavain - 1/4 tsp (60 grams)
  • Salt - 1/2 tsp (as per taste)
  • Bread  8-12 slices  
INGREDIENTS to make potato staffing for aalo (potato) bread pakora.
·        Potatoes - 500 grams (4 medium-sized potatoes)
·        Green peas - 1/2 cup (if you want to add more vegetables then you use it.)
·        Cashews - 10 -12 (if you want)
·        Raisins - 25-30 (if you want)
·        Green Chili - 2-3 finely chopped (if you make it for a kid then you can skip it.)
·        Ginger - 1-inch long piece (grated)
·        Green Coriander - 2 tbsp (finely chopped)
·        Coriander Powder - 1 tsp
·        Garam Masala - 1/4 teaspoon
·        Salt - as per taste
·        Oil for frying
Method - How to make aalo (potato) bread pakora Recipe?
STEP1: First of all, keep the potatoes boiling.
Add ghee and salt to the refined flour, mix well.
Knead a little hard dough with the help of lukewarm water.
Cover the dough for 15 - 20 minutes to set.
STEP 2: Prepare the pitha (staffing) for filling in the aalo (potato) bread pakora.

Peel the boiled potatoes, and finely chop them by hand.
Heat a pan, add 1 teaspoon of oil, and mix ginger, green chili
And green peas in hot oil, mix, cover and let it cook for 2 minutes,
The green peas will become slightly soft.
Add finely broken potatoes; add salt, green chilies, green coriander,
Coriander powder, garam masala, raisins and cashews and
Mix until well combined. Nix vegetable and aalo filling is ready for filling in bread pakora.
STEP 3: How to fill bread pakora recipe.
Take 2 equal sizes of bread slices take one slice of bread and fill potato staffing on it. After fill the allo staffing. Then take next slices of bread and put on it then
Cut them into two equal parts with the help of a knife. is right. Likewise prepare all the bread pakora. To fry the bread pakora, put oil in a pan and heat it.
Aalo (potato) bread pakora recipe. how to make bread pakora in Punjabi style. best tea time snack recipe

 Now deep it into better of gram flour (besan). Put 1-2 bread pakora in the hot oil and fry till they become brown, while frying the bread pakora, the gas flame remains medium. Take out the bread pakora from the pan and place them on a napkin paper, lying on a plate. Fry all the bread pakora in this way.
Hot bread pakora is ready. Serve and eat bread pakora. With green coriander chutney and sweet chutney.

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